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TeamOne Explorer

TeamOne Explorer is your Planning Analytics for Google Sheets. You can easily create explorations (cube views) by selecting dimensions and elements in the sidebar and the data will be refreshed directly in the Google Sheets grid.


Custom content

When recalculating a new Exploration for the first time, it will print the data starting from the cell A1. Custom content can be added above or below exploration rows or columns.

Create exploration

You can create a new exploration from scratch by clicking the Explorer button on the first (Content) tab. A new exploration is linked to the current (active) sheet and gets the same name as the sheet. You can have only one exploration per sheet, but you can add multiple =TEAMONE() formulas.


System cubes

You can see system cubes by selecting Show system objects from the menu

Alternatively, you can build a new exploration by opening any cube or cube view from the Model tab.

Open exploration

When you click the Explorer button, it will load the current sheet exploration if it exists, otherwise you will be able to create a new exploration. To access a different exploration, you can either click the Explorer button after switching to the sheet you want to open the exploration for or use the Other explorations menu option. TeamOne will take you to the corresponding sheet automatically.


Reload active sheet exploration

If you navigate to a different sheet, simply click the exploration icon to reload the exploration from that sheet.


Exploration cube

When creating a new exploration, you can choose the cube name or modify the existing exploration cube via the exploration settings. You can access the exploration settings either from the exploration menu or by clicking the cube name.

In either case, TeamOne will generate a sample exploration for you. It does so by selecting the last two dimensions for your rows and columns, and using $ALL MDX mod to dynamically select all elements for each dimension.

Include empty rows

By default TeamOne will suppress empty rows (exlcude it from the results). Select Include empty rows to include rows with no amounts or text.

Include empty columns

By default TeamOne will suppress empty columns (exlcude it from the results). Select Include empty columns to include rows with no amounts or text.

Formatted values

TeamOne can retrieve data either with IBM PA-defined formatting or as unformatted values (recommended for updating and saving back to IBM PA).

Group rows

By default, TeamOne will group rows by displaying distinct row element names and using empty cells for the repeated elements. To display all row elements, uncheck the "Group rows" option.


Hierarchy indentation

By default, TeamOne indents row elements based on hierarchy level. Uncheck Hierarchy indentation to print rows without indentation.


Autofit columns

TeamOne will automatically resize columns to fit content. Uncheck Autofit columns to maintain current column width.

Allow data updates

If enabled, you will be able to modify and upload the Exploration data back to IBM Planning Analytics. Please note, TeamOne can upload leaf level data only and all consiludated values will be automatically skipped.

Rows, columns and filters

An exploration consists of three areas: rows, columns, and filters. For row and column dimensions, you can manually select elements, use a subset, or use a dynamic expression (MDX). For filter dimensions, you can only select a single element.

Rearrange dimensions

You can easily move dimensions within or between areas using drag-and-drop or the dimension context menu. The context menu includes options to select ALL, ROOTS, or LEAVES subsets.


Row and column dimensions

You should have at least 1 row and 1 column dimensions.

Filter elements

Click on a filter dimension to select an element. It will open the subset screen and activate the element dropdown. You can then start typing the element name or select it from the list. You can also choose a different hierarchy, an existing subset and attribute, or use an MDX to control the element list.


You can unselect the element by clicking the clear icon on the right


While typing the element name, hit ENTER to select the first highlighted element and close the subset screen automatically.

Default elements

If you don't choose a filter element, TeamOne will automatically use a default element for that particular dimension. This default element is typically the first top-level consolidated element that the user has access to. However, the TM1 administrator can also set the default element in the }HierarchyProperties control cube. Please note that if element security is defined for a dimension, users may see different default elements depending on their permissions.

Row and column elements

For row and column dimensions you can choose to display elements from an existing subset, use an MDX expression or pick the elements manually.


Simply select a subset from the Subset list and TeamOne will retrieve the elements automatically.


If a subset has an alias, it will be selected automatically when you choose it from the list.


If the subset is dynamic, the MDX button color will change to "indigo". You can view the expression by hovering your mouse over the MDX button


Use the MDX button to edit the existing MDX expression or create a new one. In the MDX editor you type the expression manually or use the MDX mods buttons at the top to build an expression with no code.

For instance, the next expression will filter all the leaf level Organization dimension elements by the currency attribute value equal to CDN and will select the first 2 elements. You can also use the Convert MDX button to see the real MDX:


More over you can simply type or copy-paste the elements. Or even use wildcard patterns:



MDX expressions are dynamic, meaning the element list will be evaluated upon refreshing exploration data

Select elements

Finally you can select elements manually:


Save selected elements as subset

Use Save as subset menu option to save subsets back to IBM Planning Analytics, so they can be available in Planning Analytics Workspace, Planning Analytics for Excel, TM1Web, TM1 Architect, etc.


Refresh exploration

Click the Refresh data button to refresh the exploration. This will also save all any changes you made to the exploration. Keep in mind that depending on the volume of data, it may take some time to fetch and print all the values. For large explorations TeamOne will split data requests into multiple packages, up to 16,384 cells each. As each package is received, the data will be printed onto the sheet.


Save exploration as cube view

Use the Save as cube view option in the Exploration menu to save it as a cube view in IBM Planning Analytics, so it will be available in Planning Analytics Workspace, Planning Analytics for Excel, TM1Web, TM1 Architect, etc.


Generate TEAMONE() formula

Select the =TEAMONE() formula option to automatically generate a new TEAMONE() formula based on the Exploration layout and elements. The formula will be created starting from the active cell.

Calculated columns

You can add custom calculated columns after the last exploration column by using TEAMONE() or ARRAYFORMULA(). These functions enable you to calculate multiple values based on the selected range of cells. More complex formulas can also be constructed depending on your specific requirements. It's important to keep those formulas in the first row of your exploration data (the row immediately below the frozen headers), as this will prevent it from being wiped out when the exploration is recalculated.


Copy between Google Sheets

Unlike formulas, explorations are not copied when you make a copy of a Google Sheets document. To copy exporations to a different Google Sheets document, please use the Content manager available from the Extension > TeamOne menu.